Plan M
Coverage Details
Medigap Plan M is one of the cost-sharing Medigap policies. Out of all the three available cost-sharing plans, plan M offers the most comprehensive benefits. The only cost-sharing that is required is for the Part A deductible. Plan M members will need to pay 50% of the Part A inpatient deductible.
Plan M will pay for all of your coinsurance and copays associated with Medicare Part B. Also it will cover the Part A inpatient coverage up to 365 days after the Part A benefits have been exhausted.
Plan M does not cover the Part B deductible or Part B excess charges. Not every state allows Part B excess charges, so if you reside in one of those states, this is not an issue. Excess charges are not common, even in states that allow them.
- Part A coinsurance and up to an additional 365 days of hospital costs after Medicare benefits are exhausted
- Part B coinsurance/copayment
- Blood (3 pints)
- Part A hospice coinsurance/copayment
- Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
- 50% of the Part A deductible
- 80% of foreign travel exchange
- No out-of-pocket limit
What Medicare Supplement Plan M Doesn't Cover
Part B deductible
Prescription drugs.
Long-term care (like non-skilled care you get in a nursing home).
Dental care.
Vision care.
Private-duty nursing.
Individuals Who Benefit from Plan M
Medigap Plan M Premiums
Plan M and Prescription Drug Coverage
The Best Alternative to Plan M
How to Compare
There is a lot of information about each plan online, but to get an accurate quote, you’ll need to enlist the help of a licensed Medicare agent. Instead of calling each insurance carrier to get a quote, we can compare premiums across many different carriers, ensuring that you enroll with one that gives you the best rate.
We’ll need to collect some information from you in order to provide quotes since your premium is based on your information and health history, but our services come at no additional cost to you! If you choose to enroll in a Medigap plan through our agency, we also offer unlimited support. If you have problems with your coverage or have questions about how your plan works, we will be here to help.

“Part N” is incorrect terminology. “Parts” only refer to Original Medicare (Parts A and B), Medicare Advantage plans (Part C) and prescription drug plans (Part D).
Yes, Plan M is available for all Medicare beneficiaries to enroll in.
As with every other aspect of Medicare, the answer to that question depends on your healthcare needs and budget. The difference between the two plans involves the cost-sharing portion. Plan M requires 50% cost-sharing for the Part A deductible and Plan N requires copays for Part B.
Yes, you may enroll in a Medigap plan at any point in the year. If you missed your open enrollment window, you will have to answer questions about your health history and be approved for coverage.
If your doctor attests that physical therapy is medically necessary, Plan N will pay for the service.
No, Plan N does not offer dental benefits. Plan N members should consider enrolling in a separate Dental, Vision, Hearing (DVH) plan to get coverage on these services.